2 Chronicles 7:14
What keeps you going when things look bad and you feel powerless to improve them?
If you’ve asked yourself that exact question, don’t think you are alone. Many people feel the same helplessness and believe they are unable to change things around them.
Unless they live under a rock or are in denial anyone can see our government is out of control, pushing an agenda that’s destroying our country. Look around you… Gas, food, and other living expenses are increasing and going up with no end in sight. We’re literally being invaded across an out-of-control border and it gets worse every day and you bet… it can and will continue to get worse.
The government is trying to take over the raising of our children, and to be politically correct we’ve let them. Instead of teaching them reading, writing, and arithmetic, the public school system is rewriting history, teaching homosexuality, transgender and same-sex marriage is alright, all white people are racists, and we cause global warming, and it goes on, on. If parents protest there called terrorists.
No wonder suicides across the board are at an all-time high, and homicides and violent crimes are raging in our cities. What do the powers that be say the problem is? You guessed it… Gun control. Get real, a gun is an innate object. It can’t shoot itself. You don’t believe me? Put a loaded gun in your desk and when it comes out and shoots at you, don’t eat another meal… That’s a stupid analogy but so is believing the gun is the problem when in reality it’s the person holding it… the criminal, the person with no moral character and has zero value on human life.
You ask, Where’s God in all this?
He’s waiting on America to turn from its wicked ways!
That’s the simple answer. Remember He gave us free will just like He gave Israel in biblical time their free will to choose a king… Let’s see what happened to them.
They got a ruthless king that pillaged the land and least you forget all the babies they sacrificed on the alder. Of course, this is paraphrasing a bit, but I’m sure you can see a parallel? Government out of control, millions of babies are being “murdered” (we call it legal abortion). Be careful what you ask for…
Here’s the only real answer, look around you and know He Is LORD!
2 Chronicles 7:14
If My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin, and will heal their land
As Christians, followers of Jesus Christ we should be praying that scripture EVERY day. I won’t ask how many of you do that… the answer is obvious,… again, look around you.
Paranoia and fear have America by the throat. Do you need proof, how many still wear masks? THEY DON”T WORK! it’s a scientific fact… paranoia and fear! Propaganda is spread by our government via their puppet media to take control over us. Don’t believe me? Why don’t you do some independent research for yourself and I don’t mean listening to the fake news, the media is part of what has us in this mess? There are just as many medically qualified people out there that oppose THE vaccination and THE mask and have just as much proof of the harm they do as the bureaucrats do claiming the opposite so they can control your life. Don’t believe me? Get off your couch and do the research, find the real science, not political science!
It’s time America took back America, this great country wasn’t founded on fear and paranoia, it’s time to be Americans again!
The Lord wants us to be God-fearing believers, follow His laws at ALL costs, stand up for the unborn, and speak out against what’s happening to our children in these public schools. Homosexuality, same-sex marriages, and transgender are being taught as alright. IT ISN’T!
Our children are being brainwashed for a direct path to hell and rather than make waves and be singled out (fear and paranoia) we join the political crowd and do nothing.
Do you trust God? I mean really trust God?… Then act like a warrior, God knows your heart, He knows your every thought, you may fool people around you but you’ll be judged by your fruit: Matthew 7:16 You will know them by their fruits. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes nor figs from thistles, are they?
What you pay in tithes, and how many communities you’re on doesn’t matter. Until you put action to words (get out of the pew) in the non-Christian world, you’re only fooling yourself and the people around you… GOD KNOWS!
If this message upset you ( it’s more than likely called convection), I’ll not be apologizing for it. God needs soldiers, not lip service. As He gave me this message I felt Him guiding my thoughts as I wrote and He repeated over and over the word “BOLDNESS”. I believe with all my heart, that HE was not only encouraging me, but HE was also talking to all of you, my sisters and brothers.
His grace, mercy, and forgiveness never end… Don’t let the world tell you we can’t change these circumstances were in; Romans 8:31 What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who is against us?
So as I end this message… until we get together again I want to leave you with a question to ponder… Are you living in “fear and paranoia” or are you believing and trusting your Lord and Savior? I’d like to hear from you but more important, answer that question for yourself… God is listening…
Many blessings to all, KEEP LOOKING UP!
Semper Fidelis
My prayer for you:
Heavenly Father, you know our hearts, your Spirit talks to us. I pray more people to come to know you and allow you to guide their lives. The path our country is headed down can be changed, our government can be brought back into Godly leadership, and the evil ones eradicated.
I pray ALL believers to do their part with boldness, fear and paranoia are NOT of you. your word tells us where that comes from; Ephesians 6:12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places and I come against this in the name of Jesus and command it to leave.
In Jesus’ name,