Thanksgiving… It Should Be A Time To Be Thankful



Here it is… “THANKSGIVING” and you may be like many other Americans this year asking yourselves what you have to be thankful for, (much) higher prices at the grocery store? How about at the gas pump or the lawlessness in the cities? Of course not. We have a government in office out to destroy all our founding fathers built.

There is one thing that is irrevocable, it can’t be taxed, it can’t be mandated, or voted by congress to be removed and it is definitely freedom of choice. It’s already been paid for so it won’t up your taxes but it does take commitment, O’, and it lasts beyond a lifetime. Wow! where do I sign up you ask?

Therein lies the question. Too many people have turned their backs on the answer and chose to take their own path (which always leads to destruction) instead of choosing life.

Our country was founded on Christian beliefs and I believe up until the 1960s (Veit Nam, the hippy movement) when smoking dope, burning the bra, questioning authority, and free sex took over our country. Soon after, the next generation was being taught evolution in our schools and creation was a myth. Moving forward to today’s education, our kids are being taught all whites are racist, socialism is the way to go, same-sex marriage is ok, which means sex change and homosexuality is acceptable. Don’t forget killing babies is ok too. Aren’t you glad your mom didn’t exercise that option?

Remember at the beginning I mentioned freedom of choice? That was one of the components that come with this free gift. How are those choices working for you?

The me, me, me people have voted, taught, and killed their way to a godless society that is imploding right before our eyes. … Is it too late to stop this tale spin?

Some say it is, … I’m not one of them.

That free gift I mentioned earlier, … He’s the answer, … the only answer. His name is “JESUS CHRIST”, you know, the one our schools have abandoned and call a myth. Our government has taken His commandment from their courthouses and outlawed prayer in public places, Ya that one. We voted the people in who did this, remember that, “freedom of choice”? God gave that to us. I’m sure He’s very disappointed in the way some of us used that gift.

The way some of us voted, said in essence, we don’t want you in our lives, so God took His hands off, turned His back … By the way, how’s that been working for you? Can we change it you ask?

I’m sure we can, will it be easy?… NO! …

Our country MUST do an about-face. Let’s go to the true manual for life, God’s word.

2 Chronicles 7:14  and My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

Short and sweet but very hard to get done. How do we get non-believers to pray that scripture or even believers? That’s right I said even believers.

If you voted for any of the things I mentioned above, I mean any of them, you need to reassess your commitment to Christ, to put it bluntly … you’re lying to yourself, and worse you’re lying to God, but of course, He already knows that. Whoever votes against God’s law is NOT a Christian no matter what church (not all are Godly anyway) you go to or how much you give. None of that matters if you vote against God’s commandments you voted for the enemy, satan.

Can you change that? Of course, you can. God’s grace abounds, forgiveness abounds. First, change your stinkin’ thinkin’ (in other words repent) then go before the Lord and ask forgiveness. It’s a done deal, now next time when you vote look at the agenda, not the personality.

Next, we start on the brainwashed non-believers. We do this with love and truth, not screaming and yelling. It doesn’t have to take place in a large gathering, it can be over coffee or on the phone. It just has to start happening. We are all commissioned to tell others of the Lord’s grace and forgiveness and the love He has for each one of us. Try it, let God speak through you. You may not know what to say to a stranger but God does, just listen to your heart…

If you have any questions,  we are here at “On The Road For Christ”. We are always available for answering your needs and if you need a bible we’ll be glad to send you one free of charge, no strings attached. Just call; 907-315-3394, or email;

Sisters and Brothers in Christ know we love you and pray for you every day. Until we get together again many blessings to you!

Semper Fidelis


My prayer for you:    USA Flag heart and Cross

Father, your word says your desire is that all would be saved and you made that possible when you sent your Son to die for our sins, and now it is our job to accept Him, believe what He did for us, repent and follow His example and teachings. Lord, my prayer for everyone is for the strength and wisdom to do just that … follow You!

So be it in Jesus name



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