Beyond Our Understanding… He’s Still There!



Well, another sad day for America. My heart breaks for the families that lost their precious children in the senseless violence here in Texas. Of course, the politicians want to use it to push gun control, but it’s not the guns that are the problem.

Since the late 60s our country started losing its way, what I mean is Question authority started, soon after that, we were told don’t spank your child, give them a time out—NO corporal punishment. In plain English, that means no real consequences for their action… and no prayer in schools.

Proverbs 13:24 He who withholds his rod hates his son,
But he who loves him disciplines him diligently.

Proverbs 23:13  Do not hold back discipline from the child,
Although you strike him with the rod, he will not die.

time out!… Go to your room with your computer, cell phone, TV, and video games… Boy! that’ll punish you.

Of course, corporal punishment was banned from schools too. Teachers can be spit on, cussed out, and ignored and the worse that can happen is… you guessed it “TIMEOUT”.

If you swat a child’s butt they report you to the teacher and you’re investigated for child abuse. Their grades are fabricated, and the competition is taken away so no little feelings get hurt… everyone is first, of course, they can deal with real-life later. Put masks on them and teach Fear and Paranoia and don’t forget, white people are at fault for racism, global warming, inflation, and anything else you might think of going wrong. 

The government is what’s wrong… too much of it! They want complete control over us and it starts in kindergarten with their political correctness rhetoric and it’s force-fed our children all through their school years. All you have to do is look at the generational changes starting in the 1960s and you’ll see I speak the truth. 

God is outlawed from school, discipline with any teeth is non-extant and learning is watered down with political brainwashing. Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go, Even when he is old he will not depart from it.

The enemy has taken that scripture to heart but has defiled it to their use. Instead of teaching God’s way they choose to teach the things that are destroying this country and are doing it using our own children.

The place where we need to start is in our schools, the parents need to know what is going on and take control. Back when God and real discipline were in school we had NO shootings, girls were girls, safe in their own restrooms and boys were boys.

Let’s be real, call it like it really is… this liberal undermining of our families, our country is why we’re at this point. It’s not gun control, it never has been… it’s people control! Taking guns away from law-abiding people is just one step closer to dictatorship.

Have we learned nothing from REAL history?

How many more children need to die because of the fear and hate being pushed into their little minds? When do we get back to Proverbs 13:24 for starters, and teach our children there are consequences to their actions. If you do that with love and not anger the child will remember that later in life and thank you for your guidance.

God allows things to happen. It saddens our hearts and grieves us but He allows us to make mistakes hoping we will repent and return to Him, of course, if you believe the enemy, who says God doesn’t exist, just keep believing them… How’s that been working for you so far? Keep doing the same thing you’ll get the same results.

If you haven’t accepted the Lord and you don’t even know what I’m talking about, don’t feel alone. Today many Americans don’t pray or even trust in God. They’ve never opened a bible much less stepped into a church, they just go about their lives, every day accepting things they think they have no choice over.

If you are one of these people, the first thing you need to do is sit down with a Bible-believing Christian and ask questions, and get some real answers. In truth, all the answers come from the word of God. His word and His laws are the ones to follow, in the end, we WILL answer to Him. Romans 14:11 For it is written, As I live, says the Lordevery knee shall bow to Me, And every tongue shall give praise to God.”

Once you get a clearer picture, an understanding, and want to start your walk with the Lord it’s as simple as falling off a log, and at the same time, it’s the most important decision you’ll ever make. We can help you or your Christian friend will be glad to help… so what are you waiting for? God’s been waiting for you for a long time, let’s not keep Him waiting any longer… God wants you, our children need you!

Talk to me:

I pray this message touched a place in your heart and you tell a friend about it. I know God is the only way… I pray you He is in your heart today and will guide your life.

Until we get together again be blessed, keep praying, and always… KEEP LOOKING UP!

Semper Fidelis


My prayer for you:

Father God,

We come to you with sadness and greave for the families with empty chairs at the table this day. We know the little ones are with you, but still, the hole in our hearts morns their loss. Lord, be with the families, I pray your love and peace cover them and protect them in this time of need.

Father, we’ll never really know the mind of the boy that committed this horrendous crime. I pray that somehow, whatever caused him to exact such pain and suffering could come to light so others can learn and then attempt to change whatever went wrong. I pray the REAL problem is revealed and used to make REAL changes.

Lord, open minds and hearts to you, we need change, a complete change in this country. I pray YOUR will for us, not a politician’s will. I know Lord with all my heart you love each of us and want us in your kingdom… Help us, Lord… we are lost.

In the precious name of Jesus, I pray,


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