Need Contentment? … Here’s How to Get It!



Here it is another beautiful Sunday and most of us have to make alternate plans for church. and so do we. We are usually visiting churches throughout the nation this time of the year but like many other evangelists, we are shut down too. This still doesn’t keep us from getting the gospel out to people who want to stop by here and study the message The Lord gave me for you all to read and meditate on.

Unless you have Jesus in your heart … truly in your heart, these times can certainly steal your contentment and joy and allow fear and depression to creep in. As Christians, we have a source we can go to that the world can’t.

For us as believers, contentment should be governed by the inner attitude and the decisions we make rather than by external circumstances. Because Paul had learned this secret, he was able to experience joy and peace in any kind of situation–whether he was surrounded by friends or isolated in a Roman prison; whether he had plenty or was in great need.

The apostle understood what it meant to live in Christ and to have Christ living in him (John 15:1-9; Gal. 5:22-23). He had made a simple but profound faith decision to draw his life from the Lord and, as a result, had the calm assurance that what he possessed inside could never be stolen. He was confident in his identity as a child of the Almighty, with full access to the abundant life Jesus offers.

I want to challenge you–this week when something threatens to steal your contentment, choose to draw from God; decide to stop drawing from other sources, and trying to be in control. When you find yourself becoming flustered, anxious, or angry, stop and say, “Lord, You are my source, and I draw from You the capacity to be kind. I draw from You the forgiveness I need to extend right now. I draw from You the love I need to express.” This decision is a matter of simple trust.

Watch and see how God will quiet your spirit and provide confidence when you draw only from Him as your source. You’ll be surprised at your own attitude: when you respond from within–rather than from the flesh–Jesus will give you the ability to respond as He would. Here are some of  the scriptures that can unlock The Secret of Contentment:

Philippians 4:4-13

4 Rejoice in the Lord alwaysagain I will sayrejoice

5 Let your gentle spirit be known to all men. The Lord is near

6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God

7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus

8 Finallybrethren,whatever is truewhatever is honorablewhatever is right

whatever is purewhatever is lovely, whatever is of good reputeif there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praisedwell on these things

9 The things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.

God’s Provisions

10 But I rejoiced in the Lord greatly, that now, at last, you have revived your concern for me; indeed, you were concerned before, but you lacked opportunity

11 Not that I speak from want, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am

12 I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungryboth of having abundance and suffering need

13 I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.


The apostle Paul says he has learned the secret of experiencing contentment in all circumstances, good or bad. Does it surprise you that he wrote this when he was in prison, unsure of his future?

We’re often discontent even when all is going well. Consequently, we wonder how it’s possible to be truly content during our most difficult trials, especially when there’s no end in sight. So what is genuine contentment? Paul is speaking of a freedom from worry and frustration about everything in life–even unfulfilled desires.

It’s usually when we cannot control or change our situation that we feel discontentment. As long as our satisfaction depends on whether certain things actually work out, we’ll allow circumstances to cheat us out of peace. I’m not saying there’s some spiritual stage where you will never again experience anxiety or frustration. But what matters is how we respond when those feelings grip us.

This is something that the apostle had to learn. Paul endured amazing suffering, from shipwrecks and hunger to unjust imprisonment and beatings (2 Cor. 11:24-30). He had gone through countless situations that were uncertain, extraordinarily painful, and seemingly hopeless. But he finally discovered that contentment could not be dependent upon his circumstances.

How do you respond when circumstances are out of your control? Do you get angry? Do you try to escape? Does despair make you want to give up? Paul chose to give his anxieties to Jesus in exchange for peace that “surpasses all comprehension” (Phil. 4:7). That same peace is available to you!

Stop worrying about the rioters, pray, and give it to God. Worry is one of the main-line tools of satan, it’s not from God! COVID 19 isn’t either, it’s got you scared? Fear is the opposite faith. Are you going to cower in a corner or trust Jesus? Didn’t He tell us He would walk through the valley with us (Psalm 23)? Jesus isn’t a lier, so reach up grab a hold and hang on, even when the ride gets bumpy He’s got your back! He is the living Lord and is going to bring us through this …

Thanks for spending a little of your Sunday with me. I hope you know by now you can always make a comment or ask questions, just go to the comment page, and if you want it to be just between you and me fire off an email or give me a phone call (or text) 907.315.3394.

Until we get together next Time …KEEP LOOKING UP!

Many Blessings


My prayer for You: 

Precious Heavenly Father,

Giver of all good things, we come to you with one voice to praise your name and to thank you for your love.

Father, we need you and ask your forgiveness for our sins. We ask you to strengthen our faith and give us courage to face these times of strife and sickness in our land.

I pray our country will unite and become the godly nation it once was.

Lord, I ask for healing to start in this country and spread throughout the world proclaiming you as Lord and savior … Touch hearts!

In Jesus name, we pray,



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