“Nothing To Fear But Fear Itself”


“Nothing to fear but fear itself” is a quote taken from our 32nd president, Franklin D. Roosevelt’s inaugural address in 1933.

Much like today, back then our country was upside down not knowing what was coming next. We were just coming out of the great depression that had lasted for 4 years and a recession was looming on the horizon that would start in 1937 and last another year, and of course, with all this going on, Hitler, in  Germany, was starting his reign of terror.

The difference between then and now is called patriotism. Yes, there was fear but we “all” pulled together as one nation under God … That’s right, under God.

Back then we were still a God-fearing nation, we had prayer in classrooms, God was spoken of in our congress and courts still displayed the ten commandments.

What happened? If you don’t know the answer check who’s defacing, and tearing down our monuments, rioting in our streets and burning our flag … the one so many fought and died for so they could try and destroy our American heritage and way of life.

I’m not saying our country is perfect, we’re not, but the second place doesn’t even come close.

Get over this Black lives matter stuff, saying that in its self is being prejudiced … ALL lives matter … “ALL”!

Have black people been wronged? Yes … Were they enslaved? Yes …

But a White, bible believing, Republican President ( Lincoln) went to war and set them free.

Poverty reaches across all colors, look around you, I mean really look around you.

On The Road For Christ has an opportunity to see first hand the poverty and the squaller some of our people are living in. Some are there by choice, lazy, no work ethics, no education (that takes work). All they have to look forward to is their next government handout and that’s as far as they have the ambition to go.

What about the ones who want out ?… Can they make it?

Not with the attitude I just mentioned above but with God all things are possible. (Matthew 19: 26)

I’m nothing great, but I came from a long line of foster homes, paid my own way through college, served my country, and am still making my own way in life.

O’, but you say, your white and I say you’re right, I am and I’m also 75years old and still going strong.

Then you ask … How about a black person … Does Ben Carson ring a bell?

You see, color doesn’t have a thing to do with it, integrity, tenacity (never give up) and faith in God is what matters those things will pretty much empower you to reach your goals. Not handouts, leave the pity party behind, and get down on your knees and then get to work.

If you haven’t thought about giving God a chance that’s a good place to start. He won’t give you a handout but He’ll certainly give you hand up. Once you accept Him as your Lord and Savior (Romans 10:9-10) He said He would never leave you or forsake you. (Deuteronomy 31:6)

That thing called fear that I spoke of at the start?

It isn’t from God, He’s the answer, not the problem.

When you truly accept Christ and trust in Him all fear is gone. Faith is the opposite of fear, “as your faith grows fear goes …”

We, here at “On The Road For  Christ” sure love all of you in Christ.

If you have a venue that you would like us to come and minister at be sure and go to our contact page and let us know.

If you need a special prayer you can do that too on the contact page.

We’re going to be gearing up soon to be back on the with our gospel music and uplifting messages so if you would like us for your special event don’t hesitate, give us a call …

My Prayer for you:

Our Heavenly Father,

Forgive us O’ Lord and touch our hearts with grace and mercy, heal our land, and show us the way.

Father, we pray that our faith will grow strong and our relationship with you will be never ceasing.

Give us all the strength we need to complete each day’s work you have planned for us.

Use us, Lord, to further your Kingdom.

Lord, I ask you to lift up the down trod and the fearful, to touch their hearts with your love.

Help us O’ Lord!

In Jesus precious name we pray


Keep Looking Up!





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