So Now What? …



As a traveling evangelist, we have to be creative in coming up with some means of support. It takes money to keep the wheels turning and food on the table.

Most people see the “TV” evangelists and hear them talking about their planes and see their high dollar wardrobes. By that they figure we’re ( evangelists) all rolling in big donations. After all, don’t they spend a lot of time asking for money on their “shows”?

Not all of us do that. As a matter of fact, most of us struggle to get to the next town to maybe minister at a rehab. facility to bring the light of hope and the gospel of Jesus Christ to people struggling to get their life back on track.

“Well then”, you ask, “What about the love offerings?” … What about them? We came to give. These people are down and out. Contrary to popular belief, we don’t pass the plate everywhere we go.

Most places God calls us to minister are not high powered events. Big names don’t show up. There are usually no ‘atta boys’ or big dollars… You can’t even sell your latest book or CDs. These people need help, not someone taking their last dollar in the name of the Lord.

Then why do we go?…  Simple… God called us. If we were in it for the money, I would have stayed a secular entertainer.

He said ” Go into all the world and preach the gospel” (Mark 15:16).

He didn’t say “Go get rich, buy airplanes, big ranches, Armani suits, and fancy cars.” He did say, however, “He would supply all our needs”   (Philippians 4:19).

When we started this ministry several years ago, we hoped people wanting to be of service to the Lord, but not feeling called to go on the road, would come alongside to help us  make a difference… To not make us rich, but share some of the financial burdens. We travel in 2001 motor home and drive a car with well over 200,000 miles on it. Not exactly living the high life.

Still, we are very thankful for the few who recognize our ministry and see God’s hand at work. We thank them for their support through giving love, finances, and most of all prayer. Without them, the struggle would be much greater.

Other than that … unless we are in churches where we receive love offerings (sometimes  only enough to cover fuel expenses) or at a venue paying for a concert, or a special event, financial support is pretty scarce.

We don’t get much attention to this page… no word of mouth going out.  The messages God gives us to write often go unread, and the donation page, of course is totally skipped.

How do we keep from getting discouraged? One word … Prayer

How else do we do it? We work. We own a seasonal outreach restaurant in Quartzsite, AZ. It doesn’t pay all the bills, but it helps.

In the mornings (5 days a week) we have Bible study in the dining room and then we open for food service in the afternoon. The restaurant is open Monday through Saturday and closed Sundays. This past winter we set up a 60ft. X 20ft. tent on the back of the property and had Sunday afternoon worship services.

The days are long (14 to 16 Hr.) but we are blessed to have a real family restaurant, that not only serves great BBQ, but also dishes out the gospel. The meager amount of money brought in helps support the ministry. the rest of the year.

The people, from whom we lease the building, have been one of our greatest supporters.

He charges us (very reasonably) for the three months we’re open and allows us to leave all our equipment in place in the during off-season. What a  blessing!

Now, unfortunately, that’s about to come to an end.  He’s selling the property.

He gave us first right to purchase. Even though he offered it to us at a bargain-basement price ($295,000), we don’t have it.

The people looking at it don’t want the restaurant.  They just want the property that includes a laundromat and a propane station, so they can resell it at a profit when the market goes up. They see it for what it is. Not the gospel corner it could be.

On the other hand, it could be a great tax write-off for someone wanting to help further God’s kingdom instead of man’s. agenda.

We either have to find a place to move all our equipment or a place to store it.

Please pray for us and for this ministry. I know God never closes a door without opening another … It’s in His hands.

My prayer: 

Almighty Father,

You are in control of the richest and the poorest. Why people have to suffer only you know the truth of it.

Forgive our sins, Lord,  and guide our hearts and minds so we can better serve You.

We can read the Scriptures, give an educated answer (guess) to questions, and ponder what seems like unanswered prayer. But when it’s all said and done, You are the answer. Only You know for certain what tomorrow will bring and why You allow things to happen.

Lord, I pray for all the needs of Your children… to stop their suffering; spiritually, physically, and financially. Bring families together in one accord to serve You.

I pray for strength for the tired ones reading this … put joy in their lives.

I pray for the brokenhearted one suffering in anguish over the loss of someone or something important to them. Take away their tears.

Lord, I pray for our country and our leaders, that they make good decisions, Biblical decisions, to bring our country back to You. Stop the lies and power greed running rampant in Congress and bring the truth to light.

I pray for a new beginning …

In the precious name of Jesus, we pray,



Where’s The Beef? …


Here we go again … a manufactured beef shortage, price gouging, and selfish hoarding … sound familiar? By now It should. Do you see a pattern yet? Who’s making all the money? As an out of work American… How’s it working for you?

Depending on where you look or who you believe, either the virus is worse or, if you believe the other side, it says 99{c834e07adaeba66f308946f41fe459f7d1074b7e393db9448fd4e4c7159f6d24} of those who have contracted it have survived. Yes, this virus kills; so do cars and heart disease. I’m not making light of what’s going on. I’m only trying to put it into perspective.

Who can we believe… Who can we trust?

You can get paranoid, hide in fear (the sky is falling) and believe someone in government knows what to do; after all, they’re still getting paid, or you can go to the One who has all the answers …

Open the Word of God!

You haven’t tried that yet?

What have you got to lose?

Even though the government has finally succeeded in closing churches, we still have the right to worship. They can’t stop the church… We are the church!

The Book of Life has the answers; ALL the answers.

Are Christians going to suffer?

There are 30 significant Bible verses that relate to this. Here are just 5 of them; Acts 14:22 .. Revelation 21:1-4 .. 2 Corinthians 4:8-9 .. Galatians 6:2 .. Job 2:9-10.

Do Christians die from fatal diseases?  Of course, they do.

Did you read the Scriptures? Just place your cursor over each Scripture and read them for yourself.

We are not immune to death, but as believers, as followers of Christ, we have a guarantee of eternal life. To be absent of the body is to be in the presence of the Lord. (2 Corinthians 5:7-8)

If you want more to your life and have real security, take a look at the right side of this page and click on the video The Roman Road. Open your heart to Jesus and change your life … If you do, you will never be the same!

Fear is the opposite of faith, and when you truly have faith in Jesus, you’ll have a completely different outlook on those fears you have now.

Trust in Him!… Not the media, the government or anyone else. Give Him your heart … He gave His life!

My prayer:   


You are our Source, our Healer, and our Creator. I pray for an answer and healing, not only for our country, but in the world.

I pray for our President and our leaders; that they may hear Your voice and follow Your Word. That they would repent and realign this country with Your will. 2 Chronicles 7:14

I pray for those who have lost friends and loved ones in these days of strife.

I pray for the lost, that they may find their way to You. Put someone in their life as a mentor; as an extension of You.

I pray for peace…

In Your precious Name, we pray…





Following God’s Schedule …


Romans 11:33-36

Most of us enjoy feeling in control of our own schedule and grow frustrated when things don’t go according to plan. Yet, if we truly desire to walk in the center of God’s perfect will, we must become willing to cooperate with His time frame.

Consider how you pray about situations in your life. Without realizing it, you may be demanding that God follow the schedule you’ve constructed, according to your very limited human wisdom. Yet, if we believe He is who He says He is, how can surrendering to His way not be to our benefit? Think about His unique, praiseworthy qualities:

  • His all-encompassing knowledge.Unlike us, the Lord has complete awareness about our world and the details of every individual life–past, present, and future.
  • His complete wisdom. God understands man’s every motive, whereas none of us are able to accurately discern people’s intentions. We make choices based on partial information, however, He has the wisdom to take action based on truth.
  • His unconditional love.Our Creator is always motivated by love and constantly has our best in mind. Unless we trust His heart, our view of reality will be distorted.
  • His perfect sufficiency. At just the right time, God will provide us with everything we need to carry out His plan.

Submitting to God’s timetable requires faith and courage. Believe in the goodness of His heart and His plans–and determine to wait until He gives the signal to move forward. Then, as you follow His schedule, you’ll experience the joy of watching Him make all things beautiful in His timing.

My prayer:     

Father, in this time of our lives being turned upside down by this virus, we can see how our making plans can be changed, but Yours are the true plans for our lives. You are in control, even when it seems like everything is out of control.

I pray, Father, we start to listen for Your voice, Your guidance, and follow the plan You have laid out for each of our lives. While we stay at home, even after we get back to work, I pray for a revival to take place in our nation … For the saved, as well as the unsaved, to truly follow You with heart and soul … not just lip service.

O’ Lord touch hearts today and cleanse our nation.

Bless each and everyone with your healing, saving grace …


Until we meet again … KEEP LOOKING UP!

In His service

Dusty Guy  

Answers for Unanswered Prayer …

By now I’m sure some of us, even “Christians”, are questioning … Where’s God in all this?Why isn’t He answering our prayers? People are dying!

Rest assured He is … listening and answering prayers.

It may not be at the speed you’d like or even the answer you want, but believe me, He’s working on it.

Let’s see if I can give you a little insight on how I know this to be true.

Look in your Bible at the book of Exodus. I have it listed the addresses below: 

Exodus 2:22-23 22 Then she gave birth to a son, and he named him Gershom, for he said, “I have been a sojourner in a foreign land.” 23 Now it came about in the course of those many days that the king of Egypt died. And the sons of Israel sighed because of the bondage, and they cried out; and their cry for help because of their bondage rose up to God.

Chaplain Max Helton prayed beside the car of Dale Earnhardt prior to the start of the 2001 Daytona 500.   Earnhardt told Helton, “Just pray that I’ll be wise in putting the car at the right place at the right time . . . and be able to drive with wisdom.”  Holding hands, they prayed for wisdom and safety.  In that very race, Earnhardt lost his life in a final lap crash.

We have all had the experience of unanswered prayer.  We pray for God’s healing for a loved one.  We pray for God to bring revival and renewal to our churches.  We pray for the suicide bombings to end and for our troops to come home.  Why does nothing seem to change when God has promised us, “Ask and you will receive”?  Is Jesus being totally truthful when He tells us, “If you ask me anything in My Name, I will do it”?

We will never have all the answers to unanswered prayer, but the story of the exodus in the Old Testament provides us with some important perspectives when we are struggling with the silence of heaven.  In (Exodus 2:23), Israel cries out for God to deliver them from their bondage in Egypt.  The people waited for twelve long chapters… a wait that must have seemed like forever, before God completely answered their prayers.  What we learn from their waiting will help us the next time we are struggling with unanswered prayer or God’s answer is not what we have asked for or expected.

I. We need to remember that God is answering our prayers even before we pray them.

Before the people ever prayed for deliverance, God had already begun the process of providing a deliverer.  A baby at the beginning of chapter two is the unknown answer to the prayer at the end of chapter two.  Even when Moses goes from being a prince in Egypt to a fugitive in Midian, there is a reminder that God has a special purpose for Moses’s life.  In Midian, Moses drives away a bunch of bullies who are harassing the daughters of Jethro and he waters their sheep.  It foreshadows precisely what Moses is going to do for Israel — he’s going to confront the biggest bully of all and then spend 40 years of his life taking care of God’s sheep.

When you’re waiting for an answer to prayer, it helps to remember that God already has the answer worked out before we are even aware enough to know our need or articulate the words of our prayers.  God knows the beginning, middle, and end of every circumstance and situation.  Jesus reminds us that “your Father knows what you need before you ask him.”  (Matthew 7:11) Israel needed a deliverer and the Lord knew about it before Israel even asked.

II. We need to remember God’s care and concern even when our prayers are not being answered.

God’s complete answer to Israel’s prayer in Exodus 2:23 doesn’t come for twelve long chapters, but notice what follows immediately in Exodus 2:24 — a reminder of God’s concern for His people.  As soon as Israel “groans” and “cries,” God “hears.”  God is immediately touched by the cry of his people.

The name of “Yahweh” is prominent in the book of Exodus.  When Moses asks for God’s name at the burning bush, God answers that His name is “I AM” (the first-person form of Yahweh) (Exodus 3:14).  What does that name mean?  Why does the disclosure of the personal name of the God of the universe sound like the old Abbott and Costello routine “Who’s on first?”  This name, “I am”, could mean self-existence; it could mean eternality. However, those ideas are really too abstract for what is conveyed in this story.  Yahweh is God’s covenant name, and it means that He is the ever-present Helper who is there for His people.  It means that God hears the cry of His people as soon as the cry goes up.

You don’t have to use a magic formula to get God’s attention.  You don’t have to build up enough faith to earn His answer.  You don’t have to weary God into giving in.  God is concerned at the very moment we come to Him with our needs and requests because we belong to Him.

III. We need to remember that when we pray, things may get worse before they ever get better.

In the story of the exodus, the children of Israel prayed and things got a lot worse before they ever started to get better.

In Exodus 5, Moses tells the Pharaoh, “Let my people go!”  The Pharaoh’s response was not to say, “Thank you, Moses, for bringing this gross injustice to my attention.  I’ll start the paperwork to expedite their release right away.”  His response was to take away the straw that the Hebrews had used to make bricks.  Moses’s career as a labor union negotiator did not get off to a brilliant start.  The Pharaoh became more hard-hearted and oppressive than ever.  Right before the ultimate deliverance at the Red Sea, Israel was between a rock and a hard place — the Red Sea in front of them and the Egyptian army behind them.  God chose not to answer fully and finally until things were as bad as they could possibly be.

God has the freedom to answer our prayers in ways that we don’t anticipate or understand.  Jerry Sitser reminds us that prayer does not normally “send an arrow straight to the target” but rather more often than not “shoots an arrow that curves and ricochets and even appears to fall short.”

We can pray for our children to come back to the Lord and they become more determined than ever to go the other way.  We can pray for God to deliver a friend from an addiction and observe the addiction grips them more tightly.  We can pray for God to meet our needs and watch our bank account get smaller.

We become frustrated or resentful (or perhaps even stop praying) in these situations because we believe that God’s promise to answer prayer is our guarantee of a smooth and easy life, with no bumps in the road.  We trust God and He fills the orders.  The reality is that God sometimes responds to prayer by allowing more difficulty into our lives.  That adversity deepens character, develops faith, and drives us to more desperately seek God.  The difficulty may even become the means by which God answers our prayers, just like it was for the Hebrew slaves down in Egypt.

IV. We need to remember that unanswered prayer is not an indication of God’s lack of power.

The delay in Israel’s answer to prayer had nothing to do with God experiencing a power outage.  God’s power is all over the book of Exodus.  I like to envision the exodus story as a real-life “smack down” between God and Pharaoh, not like those of the fake variety that you see watching wrestling on television.

In this contest, there is first of all a battle of dueling words.  In Exodus 5:1, Moses goes to Pharaoh and announces, “This is what the Lord says — ‘Let my people go.’”  Then in Exodus 5:10, the slave drivers announce, “This is what the Pharaoh says — “No more straw to make bricks for these lazy Hebrews.’”  There’s a challenge here — whose word is going to stand?

The next thing we see is a battle of dueling snakes in Exodus 7.  Aaron’s rod becomes a snake in front of the Pharaoh, but the Pharaoh isn’t all that impressed because his magicians perform the same trick.  But then . . . Aaron’s snake eats up the Egyptian snakes.  What’s the point?  The cobra was the symbol of the Pharaoh’s power, and the Egyptians worshiped cobra-deities that were supposed to protect them.  The Pharaoh isn’t ready to admit defeat, but Aaron’s snake had the first “power lunch” in history.

Then, there is a battle of dueling deities in the story of the plagues in Exodus 7-Exodus 13.  The plagues are not just neat special effects that spice up the story; they are carefully designed to stress the greatness of the Lord over the gods of Egypt.  The Egyptians believed that Hapi protected the Nile, and so God turned the Nile into blood.  They believed that Re was the god of the sun, and so God turned out the lights.  They believed that the Pharaoh was a god incarnate, and so God took the life of his firstborn son.

Finally, at the Red Sea in Exodus 14, there is a battle of dueling warriors, when God the Divine Warrior bares His right arm and destroys the Egyptian army.  The most powerful army on earth in that day was no match for the Lord.  It was said of the Pharaoh of the exodus, “He will make a ruler of the land whom no one can attack.” The Pharaoh found out the hard way who had real power.

Unanswered prayer doesn’t void the omnipotence of God.  There is nothing we can ask God that is beyond His ability to accomplish, but the greatest demonstrations of God’s power are often found in His answers to our unanswered prayers.

Bob Mitchell prayed for the safety of five young missionaries who went to the jungles of South America in order to share the gospel with the Auca Indians. However, Jim Elliott and his four companions were brutally murdered.  Years later, Mitchell attended a conference in Europe and met an evangelist who was one of the Auca Indians that had murdered Elliott and the other missionaries.

Only God could orchestrate that kind of answer to an unanswered prayer.

We see in the exodus that the power of God is not something placed at Israel’s disposal with the flip of a switch or the pull of a lever.  The how and when of God’s answer to prayer is determined by what brings Him the greatest amount of glory.  When God answered, it was done in a way so that even Pharaoh himself could not deny that Yahweh was God over all.  Some of the greatest demonstrations of God’s power we will ever experience come in God’s answers to our unanswered prayers.

We pray to the same God as these Hebrew slaves.  Whether God’s answer to our prayers is “Yes,” “No,” or “Wait,” His answers are always the perfect expression of His love and power in our lives and they’re answered in His time …Not our’s.

Don’t ever give up…He’s there … Wait, trust and have faith … KEEP LOOKING UP!

We here at On The Road for Christ are always available to talk or pray with you. Just go to the contact part of this site and follow the simple steps. We won’t slam you with a bunch of ads or inundate you with pleas for money. ( However, we do have a donation page and certainly appreciate all the help you provide) .Our goal is to bring God’s love, encouragement and saving grace to all who will accept it.

My Prayer for You:   

May your life be filled with  blessing from God and may you find comfort in the shadow of the cross, where His Son paid the price for our salvation.

I pray for people, all around the world, to accept this free gift and know the peace of the true and only living God.

I pray for an end to not only this virus, but for all the wrongs that are being done in this world through so much sin and violence.

Father, I pray you will touch the hearts of the lowliest sinner to the major crime syndicates of the world.

Father, I pray for a healing in our country and a revival to sweep across the land.

We thank you, Father, for all You do and give You all the honor and glory in Your Son’s precious name …


Watch the video under “What Must I Do?” to learn about accepting Christ as Lord and Savior.

Semper Fi

Isn’t it amazing how fast even a country as great as ours can be controlled because of fear?

We’ve been alienated from friends, family, and neighbors. Fistfights have broken out in the lines at stores for getting too close, or over the manufactured shortages. All because of “fear”. What has happened to America? We can’t gather in church … pray from afar “they,” say. Wow! Over 200 years and the government has finally separated the church (people) from the State.

Most of the masks people are wearing are worthless against this virus. Dust masks and handkerchiefs barley stop dust, let alone micro-sized viruses … Get real … Another test to see how much control can be exerted.

How many people around you are wearing them? And wearing them properly?

Let’s see now, … House arrest (of course the politically correct term; “self-quarantine”); Wear a mask (90{c834e07adaeba66f308946f41fe459f7d1074b7e393db9448fd4e4c7159f6d24} of them are useless) and stay six feet apart.

Oh… and close your business if you’re not on the government’s approved list. (We’ll get rid of these pesky small businesses one way or another).

Does that just about cover it?

Wow! Dusty that certainly is a harsh view …

Are you being politically correct?

I hope not!

Think for a minute of all the diseases in the world, and the harm they’ve done and will do.

What’s so different with the “coronavirus?” It’s certainly not as deadly as a few others out there. (Do some homework if you don’t believe me). It’s not even a close second.

Then why all the fear?

Do you want the answer?  Do you really want the answer? … Simple, MEDIA HYPE.

News programs are having their highest, all-time ratings in modern history.  That means money in their pockets. That’s not the number one thing, however, lest we forget this is an election year.

What a platform from which to slam their adversary (President Trump) … How convenient.

Listen to what is being said, by the President, and then taken out of context by the media.

How do I know that? Simple … Basic grammar. The President doesn’t often speak in incomplete sentences. The answer is simple; his statements are being edited by the media to come across the way they want them to sound, not the way they are meant.

Do you think I’m exaggerating?  Listen closer for yourselves and see what I mean.

As a former U.S. Marine, I’ve seen some terrible things. I have had to face fear head-on. My training gave me the strength, but now I have the greatest weapon of all … My trust is in God, and no power in the universe can defeat Him or His own. (us) HOORAH! … AMEN!

As I’ve said many times before, fear is the opposite of faith, so get on board. (2Timothy 1:7)

The Lord said He would be with us through the bad things and tough times (Isaiah 43:1-2). He said He would never leave us nor forsake us.  (Deuteronomy 31:6 and Hebrews 13:5, Hebrews 11:16). Where’s your faith meter today?

    What’s coming from your lips? (Matthew 4:4)

I believe this is a time of separating the wheat from the chaff that John the Baptist spoke of in Matthew 3:12. 

As  Christians, our faith is based on the trust and love of Jesus Christ; not media hype; not the Government; not politicians,;not neighbors, friends, or family; no matter how good their intentions may be. Our trust, our faith is in JESUS CHRIST.

Where’s your faith meter today?

Have you sincerely humbled yourself before the Lord and begged His forgiveness?

He knows your heart, … He is the truth. If you need to renew your commitment to Him today, then don’t hesitate. Do it now. There is no promise of tomorrow (Proverbs 27:1). If this sounds urgent, it is. If you’ve wavered or strayed, His arms are open. His grace is sufficient, and His forgiveness is waiting. Please, Please don’t be left standing at the door. Answer it and let Him in …   

I hope I’ve helped you by conveying the Lord’s message to you. What I put here is what He wants. It is not milk-toast to pander to anyone’s fears.

Is it political … sure.

Is it the truth … absolutely.

Did I hurt anyone’s feelings … Get over it!

I love each and every one of you with the love of the Lord!


My prayer for you:     

Our most precious Lord on High,

Forgive us and strengthen our faith and trust in You, Lord.

Give us the boldness to proclaim Your Word. Let us show, through our actions, that You live in our hearts and You are Lord.

Father protect our loved one and if they don’t know You, put a stirring in their heart to seek You.

Father, I ask the same for the stranger, the lost looking for a way to find peace. A peace only You can give.

Lord, I pray for the scientists seeking a cure for this terrible virus, as well as other deadly diseases.

Lord, please bring our country back to You. Disclose the people that wish to destroy that on which our country was founded. Change the hearts of the abortionist, drug dealers, the non-believers and the politically correct.

Without You, we are lost.

Lord, I pray for our leaders and pray they will hear Your voice and do Your will …

In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray


Watch the video in the right-hand column to discover What I Must Do

The Land Flowing with Milk and Honey… or The Land of the Giants

This is my first post, but I believe it is one that needs to be written for these uncertain times.

In the book of Numbers, chapters 13 and 14 we read about the children of Israel being given the land of Canaan, as promised by God. Moses was to choose one man from each tribe to spy out the land and bring back a report. (Numbers 13:17-21).

After 40 days, the men returned and gave a report on what they had found. They brought back fruit to show the congregation of Israel the bounty of the land. (Numbers 13:23). They even reported that the land flowed with milk and honey (Numbers 13:27), just as God had promised. Ten of the spies reported that the land also was inhabited by very strong people, with large fortified cities. There were also descendants of Anak. The Anakim/Anakites were a formidable race of giant, warlike people (Deuteronomy 2:10, 21; 9:2), who occupied the lands of southern Israel, near Hebron, before the arrival of the Israelites (Joshua 15:13). The Anakim’s ancestry has been traced back to Anak, who at that time was regarded as the “greatest man among the Anakim” (Joshua 14:15).

The two remaining spies, Joshua and Caleb confirmed what the others had seen. However, they were confident that God would deliver the land into the Israelites hands (Numbers 14:6-9).

The Israelites were encouraged by Moses not to fear the Anakim (Deuteronomy 1:29-30), but they refused to trust God’s promises (Deuteronomy 1:32-33). As a result, God became angry (Deuteronomy 1:34-35) and prohibited the “evil generation” from entering the Promised Land; Joshua and Caleb were the only exceptions, plus those who had no knowledge of good and evil (Deuteronomy 1:36-39). Because of their fear of the Anakim, and their rebellion against God, the children of Israel were forced to wander for another 38 years in the wilderness.

During the conquest of Canaan, Joshua expelled the Anakim from the hill country, and Caleb finally drove them out of Hebron completely. However, a small remnant found refuge in the cities of Gaza, Gath, and Ashdod (Joshua 11:22). Many Bible scholars speculate that the Anakim’s descendants were the Philistine giants David encountered (2 Samuel 21:15-22), including Goliath of Gath (1 Samuel 17:4-7).

God has given us another future “promised land” – Heaven. Jesus declared that no one comes to the Father, but through Him. (John 14:6). Through obedience and not rebellion, we can have that promise fulfilled in our lives. Just like many of the Israelites of old, everyone has a choice to make. You can live your life your way, and suffer the consequences, or enter into the Promised Land. How can you make the choice to enter the “Promised Land”? Follow what it says in Romans 10:9-10.

If you have questions or need further help, please contact Bruce, Dusty, or Sandy. Our contact information is under the “CONTACT” page.

Further Bible translations, Study Helps and Answers can be found using the resources to the right, or by going to the Resources Page. If you need a Bible, we would love to send you a FREE copy. Just email us at with your name and address, and we will mail one to you, postage free.



Sadducees and Pharisees … Then and Now


The days turn into weeks and the weeks into ???  How much longer?

That really is the question in most of our minds; and the honest answer is… No one knows. As usual, the media keeps its hype up so everyone watches with baited breath. First, it’s leveling off and then out of nowhere we get the largest outbreak ever… When will we get just the facts? …. Never! Using sensationalism is how they keep the drama going and the fear rampant, so they can get those coveted ratings and advertising dollars.

The greed out there is alive and well. It’s easy to spot. While some businesses are going under because of forced closure, others are raking in a windfall. Of course, prices are going up … shortages you know (Manufactured?). Just look at the big box stores. For example,  look at WalMart… they’re showing a 20{c834e07adaeba66f308946f41fe459f7d1074b7e393db9448fd4e4c7159f6d24} gain.

I know that some RV parks that are usually empty, after their season ends, are more full than they were during the season. What I’m saying is good on them, but others aren’t so fortunate.

Many businesses, large or small, are going broke trying to wait this out. Others are defying, or getting ready to defy, the shutdown orders and open back up. They have families to feed and bills to pay.

They see our politicians standing in front of their luxury freezers, flaunting their wealth, and wonder how they’re going to keep their family fed.

Of course, the politician’s paychecks (way overpaid) keep coming. Their medical expenses are paid for life. The perks go on and on.

What was designed by our forefathers to be a one-term job, then go back to their life at home, has been made into a lifetime career, because of being power hungry and, of course, the”perks”.

They should be allowed one term only . They should take part in the laws (like Obama care) they enact. Each person should be equal, with equal power… No senior this or that. When we vote someone into office, they should have just as much say as the next person. We didn’t vote in an underling. We voted a representative to protect our interests and represent our States’ needs.

This is pretty basic. It’s not rocket science. Too much power creates greed and greed creates corruption.

Does this sound somewhat familiar … especially to Christians?

It should … There is nothing new under the sun (Ecclesiastes 1:9).

Remember the priests of the temples? How about the Sadducees or the Pharisees? They were certainly power hungry and filled with greed… Sound familiar?

That was over two thousand years ago… Have things changed?…  Maybe different titles controlling power, and of course people’s names are different.  But the concept remains unchanged…. power and greed.



The Lord certainly didn’t like it then, and I’m sure He feels the same about it now.

Is He exacting punishment as a father should when a child is out of control?

As a parent, how long would you tolerate your children blatantly disobeying you?

I believe He’s been a tolerant and loving Father, giving chance after chance for us to see the destructive path some of us have chosen to follow; taking the temporary thing of this life, over an eternity with Him in Heavenly places.

The immorality taking place, not just in America, but throughout the world, is out of control, with no end is in sight. Under the banner of political correctness and tolerance, we’ve gone against God’s basic laws.

We need to pray the passage (2 Chronicles 7:14) every day and truly humble ourselves.

God loves us! Why can’t we understand, accept and believe that?… A question for all times!

My prayer for you: 

O, heavenly and merciful Father,

I pray for the sick and suffering around the world; for the hungry and homeless.

I pray for the paranoid living in fear; for fear is the opposite of faith. These people desperately need You in their lives.

I pray for someone to come into each nonbeliever’s life and give them the opportunity to meet You; To step over into eternal life and follow You.

I pray for our President and other world leaders. I pray that they make Godly decisions and have the courage to follow through.

I pray for an awakening, a revelation, and that hearts will turn to You for the answers and an end to this terrible disease.

I know, Father God, you can stop this disease. If we as a nation, as a world,  would call out to you and change our wicked ways.

This I pray in the precious name of Jesus …



Keep on Singing …


I don’t know how many times in front of audiences I’ve quoted Martin Luther, the founder of the modern day church of saying “Music is the second form of prayer.”

I can remember being a little boy and walking through a dark woods on the way home and thought I was going to be ate  by a bear or some other creature waiting for me to pass. I would usually break out singing to myself or whistling, trying to show I wasn’t afraid. I guess you could say those were the days I started my singing career as a matter of fact, I believe there has been times when I had audiences just as small as then…..

It has always humbles me when people come to listen to my music and share the love we have for the beauty God has given us in music. A song can set your heart to fluttering or your blood to racing. It can cause you to experience the full range of emotions, from the highest peaks to the lowest valleys… all brought on by a song.

It never fails to amaze me when the Lord changes a song in the middle of a concert that I hadn’t rehearsed and most generally hadn’t sung in a while. I teach obeying is a very important part of a Christians walk with the Lord so I always complied. You ask … how has that worked for me? Well I’ll use that word again … amazing… The Lord knows exactly what someone in the audience needs to hear and I feel very blessed when He uses me to give that certain someone His message in a song. Inevitably that very person always comes up after the program to tell me the song really touched their heart and they were sure it was meant just for them.

Being in the gospel music ministry the bible verse (2 Timothy 4:2)about being ready in season and out brought out a whole new meaning to that passage.

I hope during these stressful times you will allow God to minister to you in song. Take the time to sit and listen, sing along if you like, get into the words, it might be just the message He has for you, and you will know that He is GOD.

My latest CD is on this site free for the listening, if  you like it … enjoy,  if you don’t … no offence taken. Just look around until you find something you can enjoy. Relax and sooth your spirit …

Let me know if there is anything we can do for you and of course after things get back to normal we’d love to come to your venue and do a program for you and your friends. … it’s free! just contact us at my email; or go to our main page; On The Road for and follow the steps there.

My prayer for you:       

Precious Lord, give my brothers and sister a real peace and still their hearts of fear, let them know you are God and are always with them.

Put a song in their heart and a new hope in their spirit that this to shall pass.

Protect your children from this virus and all the after effects as time goes by. In this hour of need may we draw closer to you and feel the mighty comfort of your loving arms.

In Jesus name, the name above all names we pray




As the days pass and lives are lost, I find it incredulous that the fake news and politicians are playing the blame game. The ads blaming the President are so obviously taken out of context, that you would have to be totally illiterate to believe a word of it.

I’m sorry for these Trump haters that are so obsessed with hate, that they are willing to sell our country out, just to get their socialist agenda into play. They should, when they get their stimulus check,  do the honorable thing and send it back to the man (President Trump) who pushed it through and got it for them …. Sure they will …. We know how that’s going to play out.

I don’t even know how many people read my brief messages, but please believe they are based on my love and concern for ALL Americans, as well as ever man, woman and child in the world. I try to put into words what the Holy Spirit tells me to write and not my opinion. He, again, reminded me to tell you the Word says to go into ALL  the world and preach the gospel (Mark 16:15). That means proclaiming Jesus Christ to ALL nations. By the way, that’s not a request … it’s a commandment!

Let me clear something else up as well… There is no place in Scripture that says we  (meaning clergy) can’t speak our political minds, especially when what’s being done in the political arena is blatantly contrary to God’s Word. I absolutely believe God Almighty is who the Word say’s He is. I also believe He is very hurt and unhappy with the world today ….

Does that mean this plague or virus is His doing? Try reading the Bible! What did God do to straighten out the world, when it went so far afield, that a wake up call was all that was left?

We hear all the gloom and doom in our media. We are being talked down to like little children. However, we are not given any true answers. Again, I say find a Bible, or talk to someone who can tell you the truth …

Whether you believe in God or not, how is what you believe so far been working for you? Hey, what have got to lose? Give God a chance! TV, the media or the politicians can’t compare … Not even close!

If you’re one of the haters … STOP IT! Put some of that energy into doing something productive.

Social distancing doesn’t mean you stop helping others …. phone calls, computer messaging, a smile, a wave and even a helping hand, will do wonders for the other person, and go a long way in lifting up your spirit, too.

It’s so sad that our fear locks us up so tight and paralyzes our thoughts, that we become followers of the wrong thing. Paranoia and fear is what evil feeds on … How do you think Hitler controlled Germany? You don’t have to cower in fear … Other viruses and plagues have done unthinkable damage before … Smallpox is estimated to have killed up to 300 million people in the 20th century and around 500 million people in the last 100 years of its existence. As recently as 1967, 15 million cases occurred a year. The 2014-2016 Ebola outbreak in West Africa killed 90{c834e07adaeba66f308946f41fe459f7d1074b7e393db9448fd4e4c7159f6d24} of the people it infected… How about HIV? It’still  one of the biggest killers. An estimated 32 million people have died from HIV. And then, of course, there’s cancer, diabetes and heart disease.

Why am I giving you some of these statistics? It’s so you might put what we are being told by the media into perspective.

The Corona Virus is deadly; make no mistake … But it doesn’t compare to some of the diseases from which more people have died, and continue to die from, everyday, that doesn’t make the 6:00 o’clock news.

All I am asking you to think about, is compare what is going on and then  reading a Bible and getting some real answers … and hope!

If you don’t own one we can fix that… We’ll give you one for free… Even the shipping. NO CHARGE!

Give me a call, or anyone of us here at; “ON THE ROAD FOR CHRIST”. By the way, my personal email has had a slight change. It is now For those of you that have emailed me in the past, you ‘ll notice I just added the 2. 

My prayer for you today: 

Our most high Lord, forgive us of our doubts and sins. Bring hope to a world that needs You now, our Father in Heaven and creator of all good things. Open the hearts of the non-believer and let your Holy Spirit flow. Lord, I pray that those following and believing in You stay strong and continue do to Your work.

I pray for health and well being for all and a swift end to this virus sweeping the world … I know, Lord, You can stop it in it’s tracks and heal those infected. Your Word says where two or more are in agreement and ask in Your name, the prayer will be answered (Matthew 18:19) I claim that promise right now and give You all the praise and glory for what You do for us. Lord, if anyone reading this is on the fence and needs someone to talk to, bring that person into their life, or give them the courage to contact us.

We love You Lord, and we pray in Your Son’s precious name, Jesus Christ …AMEN.

Until next time, KEEP LOOKING UP!

Check out the resources in the right-hand margin. There you will find various translations of the Bible, Bible Study topics, answers to questions and search forms. There is also a RESOURCES heading at the top of each page.

Wake Up Call …

Well, it stands to reason when you wake up at 4:00 AM, it must either be a burglar or maybe, just maybe, God might be calling.

I’ve always believed prayer is by far a lot better connection than a cell phone. So after listening for Shadow Spirit, that’s my dog, bark out a warning and it didn’t come, I was pretty sure all was safe… so I started praying, …having a conversation with God.

It’s amazing how loving He is. Sometimes His corrections can be hard, but most of the time, if you listen and obey, they are loving and always fulfilling. That being said, I feel strongly about this message. I believe it to be very important, as well as blunt and to the point.

Some will have problems with this … And then you may think… Wow! Another Christian nut case! Think what you may, but remember the old adage; “Don’t shoot the messenger”.

Laying in the dark, listening to the gentle breathing of my precious wife, I thanked Him for one of life’s greatest gifts; a helpmate with which to love and share my humble life. After praising Him and laying my petitions before Him, I became still and listened. Then He started in. I’ll try to be as precise and bold as possible.

To start, He took me back into the Old Testament, reminding me of His love and, yes, His wrath. He brought to mind the punishments He brought forth for sin and disobedience. Some were gentle corrections and other punishments were very decisive.

Many times I’ve been asked how a loving God can allow bad thing to happen? The keyword is “allow”. He gave us freedom of choice, and when we choose wrong, a price has to be paid… and that includes death as a punishment.

God certainly didn’t hide the fact that death was one of the penalties of sin. He killed millions, yes millions in the Scriptures. Pharaoh and his army at the Red Sea; the whiners following Moses into the desert; Noah and the flood,;Sodom and Gomorrah.  These are just to name a few. Look at all the battles David fought. Look at the other armies God used to vanquish the evil that existed.  If that’s not enough for the point to be made, take look in Revelation.

Yes, He loves us, but He hates sin. When it’s so out of control, He somehow has to get our attention when we don’t obey. Take a look around. If your children were so blatantly disobedient what would you do? Let it keep happening? No punishment? Or maybe be politically correct…. Maybe just little time out … really? How’s that been working for you?

What am I saying?

Let’s see… Hmmm. Take a look at our country. In this day and age, we have to be politically correct or we just don’t fit in… Abortions… OK. Same-sex marriage …OK. Pornography and drug abuse are rampant. Smoking dope is legal now in some states. Some of our politicians are more like the Pharisees of old, rather than a servant of the people.

Of course, He’s probably not real happy with the church, either.

It’s become a business. Some of the people preaching are further from God than the drug dealers on the corner. A lot of them preach political correctness and are even condoning same-sex marriage. Some only preach a love and prosperity message; never the consequences of sin. Very seldom, if ever, do they preach a salvation message.

In truth, they’re afraid if you feel convicted, you won’t put your money in the plate when it’s passed, or worse yet, you’ll leave their church.

The church has become a rock and roll show. A place of entertainment; a social event instead of a place of worship. The pastors, in a lot of cases, are trying to be all things and believe they stand heads above the lowly laymen. They project an image of superiority instead a humbleness like a true servant of God.

That’s what a pastor is called to do ….  be a servant, a teacher of the word, a shepherd… that is, if he was even called at all! You see, God calls a person to be a pastor, not a board. Man doesn’t ordain someone, God does.  You don’t believe me? Look it up in Scripture… Unfortunately to some, it’s just a job…  a way to make a living.

Does that sound harsh? It should. Many pastors should be driving a truck instead of preaching a message written from their own mind  instead of from the anointed Word of God. I’m speaking, of course, of the ones that are politically correct. Being politically correct should be a BIG red flag to any true believer.

To be blunt, if you say you preach the Word of God, but you believe that abortion, homosexuality and  couples living together without marriage is OK, and do nothing to stand against any of these behaviors… shame on you. You certainly aren’t doing what Scriptures say. In reality you have two choices … Repent or resign.

God, not me or man, will deal with you or anyone else who believes that these most egregious sins are OK. It is very simple… you either believe the Word of God, all of it, or you can continue to be politically correct. You can’t be a little of both. Lukewarm won’t get you there. Again, you don’t believe me? Read it for yourself. (Revelation 3:16)

Is God making an eye-opening correction? Look around you … A lot of true believers believe so. The Bible is spot on with what’s happening in the world today. I truly believe God is trying to get our attention; a “wake up call”. Are you listening yet?

When 9/11 happened, people turned to God and flocked to churches, only to go back to their lifestyle a few months later when things died down. True repentance is a lifetime decision, not just a patch. I don’t believe a patch will fix it this time. We better take a closer look at what is happening and realize only one person steers the boat… Who’s steering yours? Are you adrift with worry, depression and anxiety?

There is a peace and joy beyond understanding, even in these stressful times (Philippians 4:7). Take the time to open your Bible and read the truth. If you don’t have a Bible, contact us and we’ll get one to you … no charge.

I believe God is trying one last time to get our attention. Have you opened up your Bible? Have you sought Him with all your heart?

It’s time to make a change; a real change. He never said it would be easy, but He’s right there to walk with you through it all; the good and the bad.

If this was a hard message… so be it. It’s the truth and it had to be said.

Never-the-less, God loves you and is waiting … if He didn’t, He wouldn’t have said it (Matthew 11:28)  He hasn’t given up on you or our country. Don’t let anyone tell you any different! (2 Chronicles 7:14)



My prayer, Heavenly Father:

Your children cry out to You for mercy and ask forgiveness,

We ask for our loved ones who don’t know you to have a desire born in their heart to find You and to give their life over to You.

Oh Lord this world is hurting and needs You… Touch the souls and heal our land.

In your precious name … Jesus Christ, we pray.


Remember, Sunday isn’t about the bunny, it’s about the cross!

Let’s talk! contact us, Dusty, Sandy or Bruce. Our phone number and emails are on previous messages and under the Contact heading.


Check out the resources in the right-hand margin. There you will find various translations of the Bible, Bible Study topics, answers to questions and search forms. There is also a RESOURCES heading at the top of each page.